Am Kanal
1030 Landstraße, 1110 Simmering


Pages: 104 + transparent book end paper + cover
Edition: 5 + artists copy (first edition)


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Am Kanal, named in 1925 after the Wiener Neustädter Canal that runs through here. The navigable waterway was built between 1797 and 1803 and connected Vienna with Wiener Neustadt over a length of 63 km. The construction manager was court building director Joseph Schemerl. In 1879, canal shipping declined sharply and between 1928 and 1935 the canal in the Vienna city area was filled in. The street was previously called Am Wiener Neustädter Kanal, and part of it was called Reithmanngasse until 1956. The northwestern part of the filled-in Wiener Neustädter Canal is called Aspangstraße.



I went to photograph "Am Kanal" on February 2nd 2024. My friend Matthias took me there by car, we had a snack together at the Billa parking lot right next to the beginning of the street and then he continued on to Zentralfriedhof, where we met up again as "Am Kanal" ends there. I was listening to music while walking and taking pictures and was overwhelmed by sadness when "The Well" by Campdogzz came up. I was walking through the 11th district part of the street at that time, the area where my Dad grew up. I missed him so badly at that moment. I felt utterly lonely, but as always, listening to music and crying my heart out (yes one can do that in public, haha) helped. And taking photos is also a great cure, felt a lot better when I reached the end of the street.