Am Hubertusdamm
1210 Floridsdorf


Pages: 64 + transparent book end paper + cover
Edition: 5 + artists copy (first edition)


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Am Hubertusdamm (Floridsdorf, Schwarzlackenau), traffic area named after the parallel Hubertusdamm, which was named in the 18th century after hydraulic engineer Johann Sigismund Hubert (1736–1792), who built the first flood protection dam on the left bank of the Danube in 1787. Around 1900 it was called Hubertusstraße, from 1956 Hubertusdamm, since 1966 Am Hubertusdamm.

I had to motivate myself to go out and take photos on December 17th 2023. Happy that I did it though, the light was fantastic and the stroll improved my mood immensely. Met a cute dog and got to pet it (no pictures though) and two cats (pictures, but no petting).