Am Badfeld
1230 Liesing


Pages: 16 + cover
Edition: 5 + artists copy (first edition)


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Am Badfeld (Rodaun), named (date unknown) after a former meadow and a summer pool near the Stelzer inn. The Gasthaus Stelzer was a restaurant with a hotel business in the 19th and 20th centuries in Rodaun, the former suburb of Vienna, today part of the 23rd district of Vienna, Liesing. In the 19th century, the restaurant and its associated thermal baths were a popular destination for Viennese society and were dubbed the “Wirtshaus von Österreich”. The inn finally experienced an outstanding position during the First World War as the Austro-Hungarian Empire. War Press Quarters. With the end of the First World War, the war press quarters in the Stelzer guesthouse were also closed, with today’s Austria Press Agency (APA) being the direct successor of the war press quarters. Due to its popularity, the inn gave its name to many nearby objects, such as the newly opened Stelzer-Bad from 1932 and the Stelzerhof residential complex built in 1966. In 1960, after it had been out of business for a long time, the decision was finally made to demolish the inn, which was implemented the following year.