1060 Mariahilf


Pages: 28 + cover
Edition: 5 + artists copy (second edition)


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Aegidigasse, named in 1852 after St. Aegidius (around 640 – around 720), who was according to legend the abbot of the Saint-Gilles abbey in southern France. He is one of the Fourteen Holy Helpers and was one of the most popular saints of the Roman Catholic Church in the Middle Ages. He is the patron saint of the parish church of Gumpendorf (colloquially called Egidiuskirche), which was mentioned in a document in the 13th century and was almost completely rebuilt from 1765.

In 1998, an up to 40cm thick layer of broken, weathered animal bones was found during pipe laying. After examining a sample, it appears to have been cattle and sheep/goat slaughterhouse waste from the modern era.