1030 Landstraße
€ 14,00
Pages: 24 + cover
Edition: 5 + artists copy (first edition)
Date: 2018
Film: cross processed, expired film, Minolta Centaur 100
Camera: Minolta Dynax 500si
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Adolf-Blamauer-Gasse was named after Adolf Albin Blamauer on 18 November 1936.
Blamauer (born on August 15, 1847, died on October 19, 1923) was a painter of landscapes and vedutas. He was a student of Anton Hlavacek, but full-time employed as a civil servant at the Danube Steamship Company. Blamauer created mainly genre pictures, vedutas, high mountain landscapes and panoramas, as well as remarkable “Alterdberger” motifs. He also published a „Danube Album.“ About 200 watercolors with designs from the 3rd district are owned by the Museum of the 3rd district, another 200 watercolors with motifs from Lower Austria are in the Lower Austrian State Library and 15 with Viennese motifs are owned by the Historical Museum of the City of Vienna. In Blamauers inheritance was the manuscript of „Castles and Ruins of Lower Austria“ (with 254 drawings and watercolors). He was one of the founders of the Austrian Tourist Club and achieved through his efforts the construction of the Elisabethkirchlein on the Schneeberg.
In the pedestrian underpass Adolf-Blaumauer-Gasse / Ghegagasse is a work of art displayed that is made of gray ceramic tiles, which line the wall of the underpass as a horizontal band. The work was designed by the artist Gerold Tagwerker in collaboration with the architect Anna Wickenhauser.