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1090 Alsergrund
Achamergasse, 1903 named after the metal and bell founder Johann Achamer (also Achammer, actually Aichhammer, 1650-1712). He made in 1711 on behalf of Emperor Joseph I the Josephine Bell, also called Old Pummerin. The bell weighed 22,512 kg and had been cast from cannon, which had been left after the Second Turkish siege of Vienna in 1683. During the fire of the cathedral at the end of the Second World War in April 1945 the bell fell to the ground and shattered. Its debris and remnants of other destroyed cathedral bells were reused during the casting of the new pummerin.
The alley was called 1862-1903 like today’s Krütznergasse in the 18th district, its extension beyond the belt, Exnergasse. Until 1905 it was in the 18th district.
I visited Achamergasse on February 8th 2017.