1210 Floridsdorf


Pages: 28 + cover
Edition: 5 + artists copy (first edition)


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Achardgasse, named on 18 November 1936 after the German physicist and chemist Franz Karl Achard (born April 28, 1753 Berlin, † April 20, 1821 Kunern, Silesia), director of the state class of the Berlin Academy (from 1782) and founder of beet sugar production (first sugar factory on his estate in Kunern, 1801).

Achard was an interdisciplinary scientist (chemistry, physics, biology). He researched, especially experimentally, in all areas. He investigated, among other things, the usefulness of domestic plants for dyeing textiles and tried to make foreign tobaccos home in Prussia.

His most sustainable work was the invention of (pre)industrial sugar production. He found a new technique for extracting the sugar from the beetroot. Soon after Achards death (he died impoverished and largely forgotten) the technique developed into a highly efficient industry. Achard also saw in beet sugar production a weapon against slavery, which he abhorred.


Achardgasse was photographed on February 12th 2017. A cold and overcast day, but my partner was with me then and we enjoyed spending time together and taking photos.